Logic Pro

Logic Pro

Logic Pro Music Production Course
Los Angeles & Live Online

Dive deep into Apple’s powerful Logic Pro to compose, record and arrange all genres of music at the highest standard. Get inspired by Apple Loops, powerful Audio Instruments / Plug-in collections and the latest AI tools built right into Logic. Our hands-on 36 hr Express course will guide you though all necessary steps to master one of music industry’s most sort after DAWs.



Who is this course for?

  • Aspiring Artists, Songwriters & Producers ready to dive into music production and start crafting hits.
  • Experienced music makers looking to master a streamlined workflow and fill their knowledge gaps in Logic Pro.

Apple Logo Garnish LA


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Course Highlights
• 36 hours of world-class training in Logic Pro, Audio Instruments, AI tools and Plug-ins
• Billboard and International chart topping instructors teach in smaller groups (not more than 8) facilitating individual attention.
• Exclusive Garnish Sample Libraries & Discounted software from our partners like Arturia.

Laptop with Logic Pro software installed

You can purchase Logic Pro here. Contact us if you have any questions. This class is also included in our comprehensive Logic Music Producer Program.

Garnish Los Angeles Experience
Why study Logic Pro with us?

Have peace of mind to learn Logic properly in an Apple Authorized Training environment consisting of professional studios and sound treated class-rooms. Our superior roster of instructors are all industry professionals with years of experience. They’ll show you how to produce their way which ultimately got them to Billboard No1s and Grammy wins. Ask questions and bounce ideas off your instructor and fellow learners exactly when you’re feeling inspired, or…confused! This is why there is no substitute for in-person music production courses. Learning how to use technical software should be FUN – not tedious! If you missed a few classes and would like to catch up later or simply want to repeat some or all of it, we offer a complimentary admission to the next available cycle. Our doors are always open to alums.

36 Hours

$1799 Tuition + $200 Registration Fee

(15 % off Early Bird Special $300 discount if booked 14 days before start!)

Get in touch and our placement experts will follow up with information.

For one-to-one lessons, connect with us on Private Instruction

Meet Our World-Class Instructors

Our instructor roster ranges from Multi-Platinum Songwriters and Producers to rising LA Hitmakers and Artists. Have a look!

Need some help on a Project or Topic from class? No Problem. Our instructors can work with you 1-on-1 in Focus Hours


Book 1-on-1 Focus Hours

Instructor Will Kast on Logic Pro Workflow Tips and Reverbs
Instructor Will Kast's Logic Pro Tips

Stem Splitter

Chroma Glow

Logic Pro Music Production Syllabus

Logic Pro Overview

Setting up Logic and overview
Speeding up workflow and file management
Introducing the EXS 24 sampler and Ultrabeat
How to program MIDI and make some beats
All about quantize and groove
Apple loops dos and don’ts
Automation part 1

Audio Instruments & Effects

Logic’s instruments
Channel Strips dos and don’ts
Using Sculpture to craft organic sounds
Logic’s FX and MIDI FX
Using MIDI controllers
Automation part 2

Advanced MIDI & Arrangement

Tips on key command customization
Advanced MIDI editing and hyper editing
Arrangement tools, folders, and global tracks
Flex Pitch and Flex Time
Manipulating tempo, time stretching and using Flex Time


Where to get samples and the law
Mapping drums, tuning and manipulation
Chopping up loops in Logic Pro
Getting samples into time with your song
Filtering and manipulating samples
Automation part 3

Recording Techniques & Audio Engineering

Sound waves, frequency, and amplitude
The record path and gain structure
Feedback, headphone mixes, and latency
Microphone types, makes, and polar patterns – what to use and how to use for vocals and popular instruments
Compiling audio takes the official way and our way
Stereo recording techniques

Composition & Orchestral Arrangement Basics

Logic’s mixer from top to bottom
Routing tips
Sync styles, trends and typical briefs
Tempo mapping/TC markers and TC basics
Arrangement tips for orchestra and theme building/stem creation

Music Technology & Business are constantly evolving. Our curriculums are routinely updated to give you the best experience.

Our Students Say. . .


“Everything went really well in Ibiza this
time and I had so much fun! I am so
glad you taught me, you’re the best

Paris Hilton
Garnish DJ Program

I wouldn't change a thing about this course. It was ten times better than I expected it to be. The instructor was incredibly informative and kept things fun. I've played with software for a couple of years and thought I got most of the basics down but I definitely was wrong. Great course! I would definitely recommend this course to anybody wanting to learn the production side of music. It was incredibly helpful and left me inspired to make tracks 24/7.

Kristina Bialkowski

I went from knowing pretty much nothing about Logic to knowing how to built loops, work with midi, mix, and actually be able to record the music I write and and arrange on the computer. I'm really excited because Logic Pro X has opened up a new world for me as a singer songwriter!

Dawn Red Sun

I am a lot better off than I was months ago blindly watching Youtube tutorials and not knowing what I was doing. The teacher was a great, very patient and understanding, with all skill levels in the room.

Abraham Perrotta

The small class size allowed the instructor time to give us individual attention/feedback. The teaching style was easily adjusted according to the levels in the class. As a very new producer, I never felt left behind. I never would have thought I could make this much progress in just 6 weeks!

Andie Arbogast

This class was great. I've been wanting to learn digital music production and was warned that Logic was one of the most complex and difficult to learn DAW. In only 6 days I think I've learned the program well enough to start producing my own tracks. Not only that but I've left the class with enough excitement to get busy and make some music with my new found knowledge.

Paul Vachier

It was very hands on. the teacher knew a vast amount about this topic and is very informative and clear. He has methods of utilizing teachings that enable us to relate to better understand in what circumstances these methods would be used for productions.

Raymond Casarez

This class was tough for me, as I'm a beginner (and am 48 with not a ton of technical or DAW experience). I wanted to immerse myself, so I could learn as much as possible, but much of the class was still a bit too advanced for me. Darren was fantastic, and I REALLY appreciated the offer to come back and stand in future classes. That makes me feel like I'll definitely get my moneys worth!

William 'John' Bragg

I came into the program with no idea how to work Logic, and after the intensive week, I worked out programming beats, using loops and samples…I feel like I can take my music to the next level now. Thanks 🙂

Christy Thompson

Great teacher who leaves no stone unturned! After Garnish, I feel that I have the tools to build a strong foundation and begin a career in the music industry.

Daniel Cobos

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    More Testimonials

    I wouldn't change a thing about this course. It was ten times better than I expected it to be. The instructor was incredibly informative and kept things fun. I've played with software for a couple of years and thought I got most of the basics down but I definitely was wrong. Great course! I would definitely recommend this course to anybody wanting to learn the production side of music. It was incredibly helpful and left me inspired to make tracks 24/7.

    Kristina Bialkowski

    I went from knowing pretty much nothing about Logic to knowing how to built loops, work with midi, mix, and actually be able to record the music I write and and arrange on the computer. I'm really excited because Logic Pro X has opened up a new world for me as a singer songwriter!

    Dawn Red Sun

    I am a lot better off than I was months ago blindly watching Youtube tutorials and not knowing what I was doing. The teacher was a great, very patient and understanding, with all skill levels in the room.

    Abraham Perrotta

    The small class size allowed the instructor time to give us individual attention/feedback. The teaching style was easily adjusted according to the levels in the class. As a very new producer, I never felt left behind. I never would have thought I could make this much progress in just 6 weeks!

    Andie Arbogast

    This class was great. I've been wanting to learn digital music production and was warned that Logic was one of the most complex and difficult to learn DAW. In only 6 days I think I've learned the program well enough to start producing my own tracks. Not only that but I've left the class with enough excitement to get busy and make some music with my new found knowledge.

    Paul Vachier

    It was very hands on. the teacher knew a vast amount about this topic and is very informative and clear. He has methods of utilizing teachings that enable us to relate to better understand in what circumstances these methods would be used for productions.

    Raymond Casarez

    This class was tough for me, as I'm a beginner (and am 48 with not a ton of technical or DAW experience). I wanted to immerse myself, so I could learn as much as possible, but much of the class was still a bit too advanced for me. Darren was fantastic, and I REALLY appreciated the offer to come back and stand in future classes. That makes me feel like I'll definitely get my moneys worth!

    William 'John' Bragg

    I came into the program with no idea how to work Logic, and after the intensive week, I worked out programming beats, using loops and samples…I feel like I can take my music to the next level now. Thanks 🙂

    Christy Thompson

    Great teacher who leaves no stone unturned! After Garnish, I feel that I have the tools to build a strong foundation and begin a career in the music industry.

    Daniel Cobos
    From The Blog